Cose take a course to the blood stream, you become a diabetic patient.
Once you become diabetic, you have a problem for life. You live hour by hour, during the day. Medication becomes part of your life, which is likely to demand a good portion of your pension! Your lifestyle will be changed. You will suddenly become a thinking man now-thinking about diabetes. You might find your self pronouncing the term diabetes, diabetes, and diabetes hundreds of times a day!!
When it has finally seized you, it is not only diabetes alone! Many other dreaded diseases live in waiting to take hold of you. Some of them are kidney failure, heart diseases, nervous breakdown, blindness, blurred vision, limb amputation and the ultimate for the human body-death!
The prescriptive medicines complete the remaining process of the damage. Many toxic side effects are reported- skin rashes, weight gain and respiratory ailments, are few to quote. Notwithstanding the claims of many over-the-counter drugs that promise cure, the one thing that can really help you is your diet control and perfect discipline as regards to time management.
For example, your morning walks. Now, all the medical practitioners agree that morning walks do great service to tame the intensity of diabetics. So, you need to take a complete brief about the articles of food that is suitable for you, vegetables included! If anything will have the exacting affects to take you out of the influence of this disease, it is nature! So, have a perfect dietary discipline. It has taken many to the path of complete recovery! Some of the local treatments have the intrinsic capacity to tame your high blood sugar and such cases are the only hope for the diabetic patients!
So, do not think that everything is lost for you! From the dark ashes, sprouts a seedling!
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